Axure RP 10 Updates

Hello and thank you to everyone testing and providing feedback on the beta version of Axure RP 10!

This forum thread will be updated when new builds of RP 10 are available. To download an update, go to Help > Check for Updates in RP 10.

For more information on feature changes in RP 10, go to

To submit feedback, bug reports, or questions about the beta, please email us at

Axure RP

  • Fixed issue removing error state from widgets in the HTML
  • Fixed issue previewing pages with names containing non-Latin alphabet characters
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To download the latest update, go to Help > Check for Updates in RP 10.

Axure RP

  • Added ability to edit dynamic panel state names from the state selector or all states view
  • Duplicate a panel state using Cmd/Ctrl + D in all states view
  • Updated masks for hot spots, text links, and components
  • Fixed error optimizing pasted screenshots on Windows
  • Fixed error trying to publish to an Axure Cloud workspace with a long name
  • Fixed progress bar not showing progress on Windows
  • Various bug fixes and improvements

To download the latest update, go to Help > Check for Updates in RP 10.

Axure RP

  • Import data into repeaters from a CSV file
  • Duplicate repeater rows or columns via the repeater dataset context menus
  • Insert, move, duplicate, and delete multiple repeater rows or columns at once
  • Style properties blend in the HTML when multiple style effects are applied to a widget at once
  • Fixed browser not opening when generating HTML to a path with non-Latin characters on Windows
  • Fixed multiple sizing issues when moving RP between different scaled monitors on Windows
  • Various bug fixes and improvements

To download the latest update, go to Help > Check for Updates in RP 10.

Axure RP

  • Resizing constraints are available for widgets and groups in dynamic panels
  • Resize panel states while inline editing a dynamic panel
  • Repeater datasets now show preview icon of images in cells
  • Mark, unmark, and delete repeater rows based on row index
  • Various bug fixes and improvements

To download the latest update, go to Help > Check for Updates in RP 10.

Axure RP

  • Directly select a widget inside a group [Cmd]/[Ctrl]
  • Multi-select widgets in different groups [Cmd/Ctrl + Shift]
  • Select widgets across multiple panel states in all states view [Shift]
  • Fixed issues slicing or cropping images from all states view
  • Fixed error after pressing Enter from empty node in tree widget

Team projects are now available in the beta!

To download the latest update, go to Help > Check for Updates in RP 10.

Axure RP

  • Team projects are now enabled; create new Axure Cloud team projects or upgrade existing ones from RP 9
  • Sample UI and new Form Pattern library available to download in the Libraries pane
  • Fixed bug that prevented having an empty repeater dataset
  • Fixed making style changes to only a portion of a widget’s text via the Style pane
  • Fixed issues removing widgets from a multi-selection on the canvas with [Shift]+click
  • Fixed error breaking away an empty dynamic panel state
  • Fixed global variables resetting after opening a new page in Safari
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