Axure saves massive temp files to my computer - can I purge them?

hi, I am using Axure RP 8 on a Mac. I just found an Axure folder in my “Documents” directory called “Axure User Data”. It contains almost 900 MB of what appear to be Axure temp files. Can I purge these? They are taking a lot of space on my computer.

Also, is there a preference setting that I can change somewhere to automatically purge these files from this folder?



Hi cdavidson,

The Axure User Data folder contains error logs and backup copies of your files, along with other temp files that Axure RP uses while it is running. We generally advise against tampering with the files in this folder, as Axure RP should be cleaning up files in this folder on its own and deleting temp and working files while Axure RP is running can cause unexpected errors.

If Axure RP is not being blocked from automatically cleaning up the other files, then we’d expect that the bulk of the 900MB of your Axure User Data folder is being occupied by the backups of your files in the “backups” folder. By default, Axure RP autosaves your files every 15 minutes and stores them for 30 days. If you don’t want to store any backup copies of your files on your computer, then you can delete the content in the “backups” folder. If you do not wish for Axure RP to save backups of your files in the first place, then you can go to “File > Backup Settings” to disable the backups feature. As a heads up, doing so will prevent you from being able to recover a backup copy of your files in the future.

If you don’t have any errors that you need to submit to us, then you can delete the contents of the “logs” folder, which contains the content of any error dialogs or AxShare error messages that were generated on your machine. The “cache” folder stores cached files for your widget libraries, so even if you delete the folders in the “cache” folder they would repopulate when you relaunch Axure RP and the widget libraries load.

Hopefully this helps!

Hi Alyssa,

It’s possible to change the default path of “Axure User Data” which located at “Documents” by myself?
Since Mac syn all files automatically to iCloud. I almost run out of network traffic.

Please let me know if any updated.


Hi nt46!

The default location of those Axure files cannot be changed. I’ll be updating my product manager about your concerns and workflow, though, and we will continue to evaluate. Thnx!

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> It’s possible to change the default path of “Axure User Data” which located at “Documents” by myself?
> Since Mac syn all files automatically to iCloud. I almost run out of network traffic.
I have the same problem.

And then,I have another trouble because of “Axure User Data” location.
I uses Alfred to search files,which I don’t want “Axure User Data” showing in results.

So, fix this,please!

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I have the same problem.
Hej Axure, when are You going to provide any solution?

Thx, Krizz.

Hi Krizz,

Are you seeing that your “Axure User Data” folder is taking up a large amount of disk space, or that you’re unable to move the folder’s location?

As Alyssa mentioned in her post above, Axure RP should be cleaning up the Axure User Data folder on its own. If you’re seeing that this folder is very large in size, it’s likely that most of this space is being taken up by the backup copies of your projects, which are automatically saved into the “backup” folder. You can delete these backup RP files, but note that you won’t be able to retrieve those backups in the future if you do so.

In regards to the Axure User Data folder’s location, this can’t be changed. If you’d like to be able to move this folder to a different location on your computer, please let me know and I’ll be able to submit a feature request for this to our PM team. Thank you!

Working on a Mac I have the same problem as mentioned above.

Furthermore, I am quite surprised that such a sophisticated software as Axure RP has no option to change its working directory. However, I am confident that this can be resolved in the future. (So yes, please open a feature request!)

To help out short term I use a symbolic link from ~/Documents/Axure User Data to another folder where I store the actual working directory. (in my case ~/Development/Axure/Axure User Data).

You can do the same by these steps:

  1. Quit Axure
  2. Create a backup of your working directory!
  3. Move the working directory in ~/Documents to some other location (~/YOUR_LOCATION/Axure User Data)
  4. Create a link (use Mac’s Terminal application): ln -s “~/YOUR_LOCATION/Axure User Data” “~/Documents/Axure User Data”
  5. Re-start Axure and test if it works as expected

I assume this is not really supported by Axure - hence do this at your own risk! However, it is working fine here…


Hi Simon,

I have the same issue here. I was wondering if there were any updates about this. The inability of moving the folder’s location makes it hard for Icloud sync.

Hi nicolebtesh,

Just to clarify, are you seeing that your “Axure User Data” folder is unexpectedly large in size, or are you seeing that you aren’t able to change the folder’s location? There haven’t been any updates on the ability to move the Axure User Data folder from its default location, but I’ll be happy to let our PM team know that there’s still interest for this.

If you’re running into any issues with the size of your user data folder, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

The main problem is not being able to change the folder’s location, correct.

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