Bug on generating project with various breakpoints?

When generating my project to the cloud, for some reason, it does not set as default the basic view.
But rather one of the breakpoints.
On my machine I have noticed, that if I generate a preview locally from another view than the basic, it will have the same problem. Sometimes even if I switch back to the basic main view, it will continue to generate the preview with the wrong breakpoint. Unless I restart the app, then it works as it should.
But on the cloud, once it’s wrong, it stays wrong. No matter how much I re-generate the project.

Are you able to provide the .rp file where you’re seeing this issue so we can investigate on our end?

Can you also provide any further details like what adaptive view the published or local versions tend to be stuck on? A screenshot would help a lot as well!

Feel free to reply here or directly to us at support@axure.com.