[BUG REPORT]When the image has a filter set, if there is only "SET IMAGE" in the repeater "ITEM LOADED" then it will run correctly. If there is one more "SET SIZE", the image will not be filtered

When the image has a filter set, if there is only “SET IMAGE” in the repeater “ITEM LOADED” then it will run correctly. If there is one more “SET SIZE”, the images will not be filtered.

both in RP9 & RP10.


Image Filter bug.rp (869.2 KB)

Hi @Jorkin

Thanks for bringing this to our attention and including that .rp file for us to test. We have been able to reproduce the behavior on our end and can confirm this is unintended behavior. I’ve filed this bug on your behalf for our teams to investigate.

It looks like when a repeater is refreshed using “Item Loaded” or any actions that will reload the repeater, any color adjustments are removed. Unfortunately, because color adjustments are only able to be applied initially if you wish to retain these adjustments, we recommend avoiding these interactions.