Can I copy data from the text field with input type = Date or Time?


My question is exactly what the topic says. I like how Axure shows a calendar or time picker when you select the corresponding input type, but there seems to be no way to grab the data entered into the field. Thanks


Long standing shortcoming in Axure. Makes the Date, Time, Numeric, etc. text field options about worthless. To get a functional date picker you have to build it from scratch. Crossing fingers— it not holding breath—for this to be fixed in RP10.


I recently had a similar issue and submitted a support ticket to the Axure team about it.

Apparently, the way Axure implements custom styling affects how browser native HTML input elements work. If you remove any custom hint styling from the text widget, you’ll be able to properly capture the text from it.

Capture_Date.rp (46.0 KB)

Compare 2 date fields