Can't save, publish or check in Axure 9 Team file

I’ve just started to use Axure 9 today and I am having trouble saving my Team file.

Save as option is disabled, I can’t check in or publish what I worked on.
Everytime I get the same error message :

What could cause this?

Update, I can’t close the file either…

Hi mmessier,

It sounds like your local copy may have gotten into a bad state. You can try getting a new local copy (Team > Get and Open Team Project) to see if that resolves the issue. If you had any unsaved work in your current copy that was not checked in, you can look for a backup via File > Recover File from Backup and import any recovered changes into the new local copy.

You can also email us a copy of your .rpteam file and any error logs to for further troubleshooting and to try and determine what might be causing the bad state. You can use the Windows file explorer to find your logs at:


Additionally, you may be interested in trying out our release candidate build, 3652, if you aren’t already using it. This includes a number of team projects optimizations and can be found at Axure | Release Candidate or via Help > Check for Updates with “Include beta channel builds” selected in Axure RP.

I hope this helps!

I also sent an email to, but I wanted to see if anyone else had the same issue.

I’ve encountered the same issue for a second time today.
I checked “Include beta channel builds” just now, will see if it improves.


I am facing the same issue. From last week I am facing this critical issue in my Axure RP 8 Enterprise Edition. I am not able to save files in .rp format locally. Why so? I am not able to save my work and I lost the files. I wanted to reuse those files but not able to do it. Please help me as soon as possible.

I will be waiting for a quick resolution!
