Changing dynamic panel state is moving user to the top of the page on mobile




On my prototype, I need dynamic panels to change state on click/tap. This is working fine when previewing and testing the experience on desktop but when I test on mobile it is moving me back to the top of the page on selecting to change the panel state

Does anyone know why this would be the case?




Hi Kyle,

Hmm, this sounds unusual and we do have a recently discovered bug on file related to the window being scrolled to the top unexpectedly. To confirm and investigate this behavior, can you please provide your .rp file so we can test it?


Hi Ben, I have diagnosed that the issue come from using the special behaviour to ‘push/pull widgets below’. You can see it happening on this prototype when on a mobile device and scroll down to select the ‘Why do we ask this?’ link to expand more info

Here is the .rp file too and think it is a mobile browser issue with the push / pull functionality to move content under it.
Bug-push-pull-widget.rp (129.5 KB)


Thanks for that info. It looks like this is the recently discovered we suspected is related to our build This bug seems to occur when using the push/pull behavior on widgets that are in a group or dynamic panel.

Our teams are currently working on a fix for this issue so be sure to keep an eye out for the release notes on our next beta build. In the meantime, if you roll back to our last build 3893, then this issue shouldn’t occur. You can do so by uninstalling Axure RP 10 and reinstalling using the download page linked below:

Axure RP 10 3893