Conditional Logic


I have a repeater that I want two actions to take place within an interaction.

The first action is to hide or show an edit icon if the value of a column in each row is empty or not. This is done during Item Loaded event.

The second action is to update a label that shows pagination. For instance, “Page 2 of 15”. In order to update the pagination I have to set an action on Item Loaded event.

The problem I am having is the first action is based on a case and the second action does not require a case. I can’t figure out how to combine the two. Once I add case to an event then all actions for that event have to be in a case.

In any “event” how do I set up an interaction that has both cased and non-cased actions?


It is possible to create a new case and toggle the If/Else state to have only If. Then, let the conditional part empty, it will write “If true”, meaning that it will always be done.