Confluence Integration


I’ve looked all over but can’t find a good or recent answer. Would be great to easily be able to share directly in Confluence without having to force users to link out to Axure share. Is there an uncomplicated/plugin way of doing this? Thanks.


Hi! There isn’t currently a plugin or integration for Confluence in Axure RP, but I’ve gone ahead and filed this as a feature request with the product team to keep track of interest!


This feature is well past it’s due date. Walled garden.


Hi pierrestokx_nbn,

It looks like our PM team is still evaluating this feature, but I’ll go ahead and let them know that more users are interested. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can assist you with or if there are any other features you’d like to see!


Is there any plan of including confluence support for Axure?


I’m looking for an integration with confluence, too. Especially, I would like to integrate a specific page of an Axure project file (e.g. to show an edit form) into a Confluence page. Any update of this page in Axure should automatically update that Confluence page which integrates the Axure page. I know that versioning could be an issue :wink:


Same here - could really use this plugin!

closed #8


Hi all,

Thanks for your feedback! Per the new forum policy we’re no longer taking feedback and feature requests on the forums after the shift to a Q&A platform; instead, we’re directing those to email at This thread is now closed, but your request for integration with Confluence is filed with the product team. :slight_smile:Thanks!


Hi all,

We recently announced our Axure for Confluence and Axure for Jira apps, which now allow users to embed Axure Cloud prototypes in Confluence and Jira. For more information on these apps, please take a look at our blog posts linked here:
