Copy and pasting text and shapes



Hi there.

In the past, I have been able to paste text and shapes in their original format.
Currently, pasting copy/shapes changes the format into pixeled images.
Anyway to get around this?



If a widget gets copied between .rp files as an image instead of the widget(s) themselves, then I use the alternate paste instead of the regular (Edit > Paste or Ctrl+V). To do this, right-click in the page and choose Paste Special > Paste including Locked Widgets (or Ctrl+Alt+V as keyboard shortcut). It doesn’t matter if the widgets are locked or not…



Thanks for this. I have tried this and nothing pastes?
Not sure if it’s the version of Axure I have or what the deal is.




See this thread if you are using a Mac:

If that’s not your issue, send an email to (or in Axure: Help > Submit Feedback or Bug) --They are very responsive and usually pretty quick.


Thanks so much @mbc66, you’ve solved my problem!

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