Ctrl+alt drag copy function is not available anymore

Starting with RP11 or RP10 versions, the ctrl+alt drag and drop (copy object and ignore alignment) and ctrl+alt+shift drag and drop (copy object at 90 or 180 degrees and ignore alignment) functions are no longer available.

Now when I want to duplicate an object so that it’s vertically or horizontally aligned with the original object, but with smaller spacing, I have to ctrl+shift drag to duplicate it, and then shifit+alt to drag it back a little bit.

And because the distance dragged back will be very small, less than the distance of a direct one-time ctrl+alt+shift drag, sometimes a horizontal move will become a vertical move. So what I actually do is:

  1. ctrl+shift drag to copy the object
  2. shift drag it farther away
  3. alt+shift drag it back to the spacing I need again

Whereas when ctrl+alt+shift drag and drop was previously supported, I could do the above in just one step.

(DeepL translate)

从RP11或RP10版本开始,ctrl+alt 拖拽(复制对象并忽略对齐)和ctrl+alt+shift 拖拽(90度或180度复制对象并忽略对齐)这两个功能不可用了。


而因为往回拖拽的距离会非常小,小于直接一次性ctrl+alt+shift 拖拽的距离,因此有时候横向移动会变成纵向移动。因此,我的实际操作是:


而当以前支持ctrl+alt+shift 拖拽的时候,我只需要一步就能完成上述操作。