I’ve got a DP that has 2 states which is pinned to the browser bottom and is shown when the user scrolls the browser down 150px. So doesn’t appear until page is scrolled
What I want to do is show state 1 for 1000ms before switching to state 2. The reason is to draw attention to the DP content and then drop it back back into the page so less intrusive.
I’ve put the following case on the DP for onLoad
Wait 1000ms
Set Sticky contact (DP) to closed fade out 500ms fade in 500ms
Which works, However works the moment the page is loaded, as the DP is loaded at the same point. I guess that I need to delay the DP loading until it is required but not sure how best to do that or is if there is an alternative solution.
Sample here - https://b3898u.axshare.com/ (I’ve added 2 instances - one pinned / one not pinned scroll down to show) As you can see the state change happens on page load not when it is revealed when scrolling (unless you are quick)
Sticky show.rp (110.0 KB)