Display on Chrome is different from Axure canvas

I have a checkbox with a label. This is a Axure library checkbox that I have adjusted the padding, line weight, line color, and font (the font family - not a local font, font size, and color) and it seems that when previewing in Chrome, it just uses whatever line-height and/or padding it feels like using. In Chrome, the text baseline appears lower than on the Axure canvas and the padding between the checkbox and label is clearly way off. I don’t know why, and there is literally no answer to this.

I would upload an example in a screenshot or even my file but that’s not an option because this is a ridiculous support system that I’m infuriated by constantly. Someone please explain why I can’t create my own tags but ‘apple-silicon’ which has 1 post is an option to select?

Hello Nick,

We can definitely take a look at this issue! If possible can you please email us at [support@axure.com] so we can further troubleshoot this issue with you? You can also attach any screenshots or projects to the email that would help explain the problem.

Thank you!