Droplist and List Box disabled style is incorrect

I created a single disabled style for all my form fields.

When the disabled style is selected in the pane: Style > Widget Style all 4 of the following library objects display correctly.

  1. Text Field
  2. Text Area
  3. Droplist
  4. List Box

When the disabled style is selected in the pane: Interactions > Text Field Properties > Style Effects > Disabled Style it works correctly for 2 of the styles:

  1. Text Field
  2. Text Area

…and it does not work correctly for:

  1. Droplist
  2. List Box

This occurs in Chrome and Edge but not FireFox.

Chrome’s user agent stylesheet is adding opacity to my text:

Edge is also adding opacity to my text:

I’m guessing this is a bug as my disabled style text is set to 100% opacity:

If it’s not a bug and there’s a way to fix it (i.e. not a workaround) I would be interested.