Droplist and radio buttons inside repeater's row

Hello there! I’ve got a problem and asking for help. P.S. Excuse me for my bad english, its not my native language. Kind of hard to explain everything correct and clear.

What i’ve got:

  • repeater with two radio buttons (radio group) and droplist in each row
  • three global variables (for each widget)
  • three repeater column (for each widget)
  • button to add a new row

What i want to do:

  • make a selection between two radio buttons
  • make a selection in droplist
  • add a new row
  • all previous selections in each previous rows should stay and do not refresh

What i have got now after creating a new row:

  • selection between two radio buttons refreshes
  • selection in droplist do not refreshes

What i have tried:

  • save each radio button state in special variable and move it to repeater’s column
  • update from repeater’ column after radio buttons change their selection
  • different “isolate selection \ radio groups” checkbox states
  • different “onSelectionChange \ onSelected” interactions

RP file and screenshot with explanation are included. Please notice that radio button selections do not affect droplist selections, and vice versa. They are completely independent controls withing single row. At least one radiobutton in each row should be selected. Thanks for help.

droplist checkbox repeater.rp (54.6 KB)

The drama:

The goal:


I hope it’s what you wanted to do:

droplist checkbox repeater.rp (60.8 KB)

What I did :

  1. Isolate radio buttons on the Repeater:

  2. Use one column of the repeater to store radio button value (1 or 2):

    Don’t entry any value if you want by default no selected radio button

  3. Select OnItemLoad the recorded radio button:

  4. Store which radio button is selected by the user on the repeater:

    OnSelected radio button 1:

   OnSelected radio button 2:

Hope it will help you,

1 Like

Holly-molly, i’ve tried to do almost the same things yesterday. Maybe cause of it was late night my brain ignored obvious things and did stupid mistakes. Tuned it a bit and works well for me now! Thank you so much!