Feature Idea: Preload Project & Workspace Lists

Have you considered pre-loading/caching the list of projects/workspaces that appears in the Share and Get Team Project modals? Perhaps something like the Stale-While-Revalidate pattern used in the SWR React library? It basically presents a cached version of content immediately while silently refreshing in the background. This allows for a instantly interactable UI.

For me, picking that project often the slowest part of publishing a thing or making a Team Project file. Maybe it’s because I have so many workspaces and projects in Axure Cloud but it’s still really annoying and breaks my flow state every single day.

I’ll click the button to bring up a list, know generally the prefix code or keywords and just sit and wait for at least 5 seconds with my fingers sitting on the keyboard to quickly type in the first few characters.

I understand that there’s the possibility that between the preloading of list and the selection that a workspace could be removed. Surely that case is a rare one. A case that is already covered by:

  1. the “Error While Publishing: Prototype has been deleted” error that appears in the case that the prototype url was removed since it was picked
  2. the “Error Creating Project: Cannot find folder /.” error that that appears in the case that the workspace was removed since it was picked (i’ll say this error message is a bit arcane and confusing compared to the previous one)

If you assumed that the prototype list and workspace list weren’t changing at such a frequency that you needed to pull in the up-to-the-second accurate version of the list (I’m going to guess they aren’t) then you’d save us all from having to get pulled out of flow every single time the desktop app needs to talk to Axure Cloud.