Finished prototype. Thanks to you

Hi guys,

I wanna thank you so much for your patient help during the last weeks with my first Axure prototype. It was really fun to be back with kind of “programming” stuff :wink:
The results are surprisingly good since it was a new framework and just two weeks of work. Your help was very welcome and I’m glad you are that active here and we made this.

As promised I wanna share a anonymized result with you. You wont understand what this is for, but you get the main UI functions like:

  • accordion repeater with different child and parent items
  • drag instances of the left library to the right, lets say custom area
  • at the left side items cannot be changed, on the right side you can change some values, but the items will loose their link to the original library
  • to prevent little drag while clicking there is a 5px threshold before drag is detected
  • target gap or item for dropping is highlighted
  • you can also use the toolbar to generate new child and parent items
  • and so on

Not yet tested is drag/scroll behavior on mobile devices since I will get an iPad Pro earliest next week.
But on desktop browsers it is working quite fine.
Ah and the textfields in details area are also not yet working properly.

What do you think. Any improvement necessary? Your Feedback is very welcome.

regards, Jörg

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Jörg, hello! I was just reviewing your prototype for the Accordion Repeater and this is exactly what I’m trying to put together right now for one of my projects. Per chance, is there an RP file that could share or could you point me to any discussions you had on the forum here, that could help me figure this out.

I thank you for any assistance you could provide.
