I’m simulating a form with some data that must be input on a separate form (page).
The purpose is to simulate that there is something the user must complete/update in order to continue the process.
To get to that point, you have already shown (unhidden) parts of the original form as you have fulfilled the steps (the project owner requested breaking up the form into parts that show as you advance), and the page has also scrolled for the user to the correct “y” position on the browser.
So when the user clicks on the modal to go to a separate page and simulate filling out the form to input the necessary data on that separate page, and then the user returns to the original page.
I need the form in the original page to be at the same place it was when the user left (Page loaded? Global Variable? - I’m not a programmer so the variable part is Sanscrit to me) so the simulation can continue (I’m not even trying to feed actual data, anything could be typed into the fields on either form, its just the buttons that are doing anything).
Sorry, I can’t share the file, company information, and whatnot.
Any suggestions? example?