Font Awesome 5 not seen in Axure RP 8


I had Font Awesome 4.7 installed on my computer (mac) and I was using it in my project.
With new version of Font Awesome I uninstalled 4.7 and installed 5.08.

Than I opened Axure and wanted to use new fonts.
I clicked the panel where you can choose font name but there is no name “Font Awesome 5 Free”, which is installed on computer. The old name “Fontawesome” doesn’t work anymore.

Does anybody have a clue where the problem might be?


HI there,

If a new font installation is not showing in the Axure RP font dropdown, what often helps is to try restarting the application; can you test whether restarting or rebooting allows the font to show in the dropdown?

If the font still doesn’t appear after restarting, there could be a problem with the way that the font was installed or activated on your machine. For example, would you happen to be using a font manager on a Windows machine to activate the font? If you’re using a font management tool like that, the best workaround is to manually install the font files directly onto your local computer.

As a caveat, the new Font Awesome 5 icons come in three different font varieties that you’ll want to install directly on your machine. You can see how the icons are broken up into the three categories (Solid, Regular, Brand) here:

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