Format validation help wanted (for postal code: 4 numbers + 2 letters - ex: 1000AA)


Hi there,

Is there anybody who can please help me with this specific form field validation:

It has to be filled with this format (for a Dutch postal code):

4 numbers + 2 letters (exemple: 1000AA)

Thanks in advance!




You can achieve this by using string functions in your conditional statements.
FieldValidation.rp (55.5 KB)

The attached example is a bit sloppy, but it demonstrates the idea. In the example, the trigger event is OnLostFocus (because it was easier) but you could do something similar with the OnTextChange event.


Looks great Huban / puts me right on track / thanks a lot!
(In meanwhile, I startde the Advanced Scripting with Axure RP - Lynda course, so I can help others next time)
Kindest regards,

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