Get the pixel width of a string that is set at runtime




Has anyone come up with a way to get the pixel width of a string that is set at runtime? I notice that if you set a shape to “Auto Fit Width,” the shape’s width does not change accommodate a string that is set (using “Set Text”) at runtime. Thus, I can’t use the width of the shape to measure the width of the new string.

I’m looking to set the width of a dynamic panel based on the width of a string without resorting to a fixed-width font. Does anyone have solution?


  • Joseph

Not fitting with "Fit to Content in HTML" in Repeater when DP state change or show/hide from Action

repeater with adjustable height?

my examples there will explain it. start with the reposition below file, it explains step by step. just replace height by width.


That is exactly what I needed. Thank you, Gregor!


Hi Gregor -

I used your code sample from this thread to set a global variable to the pixel width of a textfield, which worked great:

javascript:void($axure.setGlobalVariable(“w1”,$( “[data-label=lenTest] .text span”).width()));

In general, though, I avoid using global variables (where possible) and instead use the text of a shape, so I was hoping to put the pixel length result into the text of a shape instead.

I saw on another of your posts an example where you set the text on a shape through javascript, so I tried to hobble together the two examples. (Disclaimer, I know next to nothing about javascript, especially in regards to adding it to Axure.)

I came up with code below with no success. The shape lenTest has the string I want the pixel length of, and the shape textLen will receive that length in its text:

javascript:void($axure(’@textLen’).text($( “[data-label=lenTest] .text span”).width()));

Note that if I change it to simply set textLen’s text to a string, that works fine:


Can you see what I’m doing wrong? Also, do you have advice on a good place for me to start (in addition to becoming more familiar with javascript) in learning incorporate js into Axure?


  • Joseph


it looks right, i’ve no idea why it does not work.

you don’t have to start with javascript. have a look on a jquery tutorial. i think this will quickly enlighten you.

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