On my mobile prototype scrolling is fine if I preview on desktop but really glitchy on mobile. I experience it myself and I’ve seen it when I user test with others. It seems to be where there is a DP. You almost have to put your finger on the screen, wait a second and then scroll very carefully or it just doesn’t scroll at all.
Works fine on my Pixel as well most of the time. But we use UserZoom for remote testing and I’ve done 3 rounds of 6 users on this. With each round 1 or 2 people seem to have the problem.
I’ve used a similar online testing service, UserTesting, without seeing this issue. In a test we’re currently conducting for an iPad app, many pages require scrolling, and I have not seen or heard reports of issues.
One difference I notice is my prototype does not use the mobile previewer–meaning no screen dimensions defined for the page. Perhaps that is something tripping up performance when using Axure HTML and the mobile viewer along with remote screen mirroring/capturing–whatever UserZoom is using on their end. Something you could try pretty easily is removing the page dimensions in the STYLE panel, keeping the default “Auto” setting.
I recommend sending an email to support@axure.com so they are aware of this–if not already–and can help you work through troubleshooting, file a bug report, get a fix out, etc.