Global variables not created on all pages when Previewing


I have a prototype with X pages. The first X-1 pages ask the user for data. The last page displays all that data for confirmation.

I’ve set up all X pages with all my content and then I go back and start adding functionality.

So I go along, adding global variables to the project to record the data from each page, page by page. But when I come to Preview and test, the new global variable I added to page 2 (for example) won’t be listed in page 3 or 4 or 5 unless I manually preview each of those pages. Which if course means that when I get to the end confirmation page, none of those items entered have made it through. Which you can imagine gets tiresome. Do I have to publish each time (which is also time-consuming)? Is there another way to ensure all my GVs are created on all pages each time I test?

Shouldn’t all GVs be available to all pages on Preview?


I’m having the same issue. A new global variable added does not appear on all pages in preview but does work when viewing the published prototype.

For me though, publishing does not fix the issue in preview.