The default mouseover color in the default Droplist list options is blue. How can I select and change the mouseover color in the default Droplist list options? ‘Edit Droplist’ only allows me to add and organize the list options. As a user, I expect to use the Widget Style Manager to make this simple change. droplist.rp (41.9 KB)
You can’t do it. Droplist has the dafult style, defined by your OS. You can create custom droplist with any styles you want, but you will have to program all interactions.
Thank you for your answer, Patc, and for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it very much.
I still do not understand why Axure would not make the Droplist options mouseover color editable. Not all web applications will use the bright blue mouseover color if it is not their brand color. I cannot imagine showing my prototype to the stakeholders and telling them to please ignore the bright blue mouseovers and that the developers would code the correct HEX values.
Again, thank you, Patc.
No problem, I just wrote two lines of text.
I also have a custom droplist made for my project – custom_droplist.rp (157.9 KB) – you can modify all its styles and create custom one based on it. Maybe it will be useful.
Hi, Patc -
Thank you so very much for the custom droplist - AWESOME!
It was so easy to modify and it works PERFECTLY.
Thank you so very much for sharing - it is VERY USEFUL.
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