How to use Repeater Reference Page




If you’re running Axure RP 8, check out the links below for our new, updated repeater tutorials.

Repeater Basics
[li]Basic Repeater – Dynamic Table[/li][li]Sorting Repeater Rows[/li][li]Filtering Repeater Rows[/li][li]Add, Delete, and Update Repeater Rows[/li][li]Marking Repeater Rows[/li][/ol]
Advanced Repeater Techniques
[li]Advanced Repeater – Product Listing[/li][li]Repeater Reference Pages[/li][li]Advanced Repeater Filtering[/li][li]Repeater Pagination[/li][/ol]

[i]Note: The screenshots below feature the Axure RP 7 UI. If you're running Axure RP 8, please see the links above for the updated UI.[/i]

Using the repeater you can add references to your data set, and then create links to pages based on that data.

  1. Right click a repeater data cell and select “Reference Page” - then choose the page

  1. On the OnClick of a widget in your repeater, select Open Link, then click the FX button

  1. Click “Insert Variable or Function” and then choose the repeater column that has your Page References

Here is what is looks like all together

See it live
repeater-referencepage.rp (68.5 KB)


This is cool but what would be even cooler is if I could do OnClick, OnRollover events.


Hi, Michael. Are you running into problems? You should be able to. The contents of your repeater are just standard Axure widgets and have the same events as they always do. The example in this thread shows how to link to another page OnClick.



How do I create a link to an external page? The only choices available to me are pages inside the .rp, but I need to have the repeater item link to a new page.


Currently reference pages aren’t built to link to external pages, but this is something that I can submit as a feature request to my product manager. I can see this being a useful addition for some workflows, so I’ll pass the idea along!


If you store the url as data in the repeater you can do it.

external url from repeater.rp (54.2 KB)


Thanks Jeff,

This is much simpler than my initial thought which would be to set up a ‘dummy page’ with an onload event to open the link outside of the prototype!.



Hi Paul,

Is it also support Text link on which is also a repeater item?
I found it might have deleted the text link when load the items.
Process Indicator.rp (75.4 KB)


Hi Elec,
Your issues are fixed. Please check the attached RP file.
Note: You need to use seprate widget for steps.
Process Indicator_fixed.rp (73.3 KB)


Hi, I don’t get this at all. I went through the “intro to repeater” tutorial. There is a row of widgets across the top of the page, each one representing a column of repeater data. I entered the data in the appropriate pane and got the repeater populated correctly. I selected one of the widgets, added a reference page and set it as a hyperlink. That worked fine. However, at this point every cell in that column links to the reference page. Since the widget contains all the rows of data in that column, the onClick action attached to it now applies to every one of those rows. If I add another widget underneath that one and put in a link to a different reference page, I get alternating rows; the odd ones are filled with the data in the dataset and the even ones are empty.


@mborok: Have you tried putting a condition in the onClick event that says something like “If [[Item.ReferencePage]] equal to value of X” then that onClick case would go to a specific place. You could create cases in the onClick event for each different reference page. Does that make sense?


This feature would be very useful, is it already in (or is it in the backlog)?


Hi Lulla,

Thanks–we’ve got this feature request in our backlog and will evaluate it going forward. I believe Jeff Harrison’s suggested method would be a nice workaround for the time being, though. HTH!

If you store the url as data in the repeater you can do it.


Thanks :slight_smile: I am new to the community and I have found this article very helpful


What if I want the OnClick event of a repeater item to change the state of a dynamic panel? Is that possible? Or is the only option to create a page?

Nevermind! I figured it out. Needed to use item.index on the repeater. Here’s the post that helped me:

closed #18


Hi all,

With the release of Axure RP 9 the documentation for Axure RP 8 (including repeater tutorials) has been moved to Documentation for version 9 can be found at Tutorials for repeaters in Axure RP 9 will be up soon. Thank you!