Icon resizing Problem in own Widget Library

Hi Folks,

I have started to create my own Icon Library. I have the Icon as SVG File from our graphics department.

When I import the file I have to convert the SVG to Shapes to be able to change the color and get rid of the whitespace around the icon.

In the Widget Library i can perfectly resize the icon in every dimension and it always stays in shape. If I import the Icon to my Project File the Icons gets completely disasembled if I resize.

What do I do wrong and how can I manage that better?

Thanks for your help!

Attachments: 1 Library with Icon and a Project File with resized Icon and the Icon as SVG inside
testlib.rplib (43.5 KB)
testproject.rp (48.0 KB)

Hello @Chrisfits

It looks like we received your enquiry via our support@axure.com inbox as well, to my knowledge everything is in working order after a few updates.

Should the issue persist with any other files, we remain on hand to assist!
