Implement Avenir font

I used Avenir on one of my projects.
the font is installed on my computer (I’m using Macbook).
I couldn’t find any URL or font-face of the font.
is there any way to publish the project so other people could see it on different computers?

Haven’t tried it, but a quick search revealed a service Font Squirrel has…

Might be worth a look.

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I’ve tried many online convertors, however it’s not working with the type of Avenir I have on my computer (.ttc)
I tried to convert it to .ttf and then to create a font-face, with no success.

ok, found it!
first I converted the ttc files to ttf, (just typed on google convert ttc to ttf or something similar)
Then I uploaded them to the server.
and then just followed the @face-font structure (you can find it on axure tuts)

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