Incorrect view displayed on switching picklist


I have a project wherein I am making use of a pop-up to display data on click of two folders via an icon (white envelope on top)
The pop-up has a pick-list and a repeater grid. The feature follows a certain flow wherein I switch pick-list values on right and then I switch the values on left.

I have two folders: Capital Account Balance under Gulf Stream Capital Inc. & Fund Documents (Shared) on which the pop-up opens. I have disabled the pop-up on rest of the folders. The default view in the pop-up for Capital Account is Gulf Stream Capital LP in picklist Investor view and for Fund shared its only Contact Access view: Fund shared.

Now an issue occurs only in certain scenario. So the scenario is that on load I click on Capital Account Balance folder and then click the white envelope icon to open pop-up.
I then change the ‘Contact Access View’ pick-list value of Capital Account Balance to ‘All Folders’. When I switch back the value to ‘Capital Account Balance’ though the pick-list Investor View appears but the data in the repeater grid is different i.e.
Contacts that appear on Fund Documents (Shared) folder rather than Capital Account Balance.

If I switch the pick-list again and proceed then this works fine. This issue only occurs the first time I click the folder and open the pop-up. Attached is the screenshot below for your reference as well the RP file. Also an additional checkbox also occurs.
Probably this might get fixed with the resolution that you provide for the view. This is a bit urgent.

Manage emails - Client Demo.rp (649.9 KB)

Try deleting State 2 in that Dynamic Panel.