Interactions workflow got way worst


I’m so disappointed with the new version… I can’t even express all the points…

some improvements, yes, they are probably there somewhere…

But the MAIN change on the interactions just doesn’t make any sense, guys…

Did you guys test with fresh and old users? no onboarding, no expected and intuitive behavior.

Please, evaluate if that is what you guys really want to do with the software… It can lead people like me, who use and recommend Axure forever, to leave and try something that is differnt, but at least better UX.


I completely agree these improvements , for me it is even way worse. Hope Axure guys will rethink cons and pros again and finally come with editor like in VisualStudio, Sublime or even Notepad ++. It could be much better experience for something more complex than one On click action :slight_smile:


Leaving my pitchfork aside.

Be sure to suggest your improvements for the interaction panel. Personally I’m loving the feature adds to the workspace view but completely agree with you on the Interaction Panel. Which has me thinking… maybe the community needs to have a redesign collab sess. :relaxed:


We definitely need to be more involved.

And about make suggestions… That is what I do for living as UX Designer, it is really difficult, at least for me, to stop all the things I need to do and “work for free” for another company.

They should be making some more thoughtful decisions, imo.
I can definitely help more by participating in deep interview if they want to hear what my workflow looks like and what I use the most, how I use, what I like the most, what I would like to see some improvements and so on…


Sorry, but I don’t understand your statement:
We are intensively and deeply involved in which many UX designers are allowed to test this beta Version and suggest improvements. What’s better than a real field-test, better than time consuming and subjective in-depth interviews :slight_smile:

And the beta test is voluntary, nobody has to participate “for free”. With version 8 you can work wonderfully, nobody has to switch to the beta or the final version 9. Functionally hardly anything has changed anyway (unfortunately).

Hence my appeal:
Join in and make your criticism more precise, so that the Axure developers can do something with it. At least that’s what I say to my test persons. Then everyone gets something out of it. Because you will also benefit from the “work” of the other testers here.


And forget something else:
I’ve been working with the beta version daily for 4 weeks now and the new version still fits very well to my workflow (not that much has changed).
Of course the Interaction Panel needs to be reworked again, but so much has already been posted about it, some good suggestions already.
You see: the perception can be so different, but surely you know that from the in-depth interviews you do ;-).


I agree with you. They have added many nice touches to Axure while seriously slowing down and confusing the process of building, viewing and debugging interactions.

I took the time to suggest some improvements here:

If you agree, like my post and add your own thoughts. If you don’t agree, that’s cool too. I think they are trying so hard to make it accessible for newbies coming from invision that they are screwing up interactions for Axure pros. I think both markets can be addressed.

I think we need to describe the problems in SPECIFIC detail. A full description of a problem points clearly to the direction of the appropriate solutions. That is the approach I take with my design clients and I think it will help Axure to serve us well.




I was involved in the UX design of a certain product, years ago, where we had the same challenges: serving old and new, beginning and advanced users. We designed an “onion skin” architecture, where users could toggle Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced modes (peeling back the layers of the onion) depending on their level of experience and working styles. Maybe the same could be done for Axure - just leave the old workflow alone while adding a layer to help beginners ease into Axure’s deep capabilities.

Can’t please everybody, but this approach might come closer. :slight_smile:


In the past and with my current employer I’ve designed for “legacy” users who’ve been with the company for 20+ years and were very used to doing things a certain way. Both companies used mainframe! Obviously they couldn’t continue with that if they wanted to scale the company. One example of a feature we considered was to retain terminal codes to account for muscle memory and speed. An option was to include a button on the web app that would open up a small command line at the bottom of the page and affect the new and improved UI behind that. But that wouldn’t help the older workers to transition and when it was time to replatform it would mean tying those codes to processes on the engineering side (and not to mention adding entirely new processes and how those would be referenced by users). In the end we abandoned that particular effort and invested more time/money into research to find better ideas and to test them against users. Our final effort was a success due to reducing steps, adding actions in the right places, bundling processes together, etc. that accounted for the speed (but they did have to get used to letting go of those terminal codes!)

And to the OP’s concerns, I’m assuming a company that thrives on building a tool to support designers has a vested interest in what their users think. I’m also assuming they employ designers themselves who have to eat their own dog food. The forum is probably just one method of receiving feedback (and we’ve certainly seen them make changes based on that feedback). I see the potential in this new change.


Hm, interesting, Sounds like a different kind of system and workflow with different user goals and needs than the one I was describing. At any rate, this forum is not the place to bore other readers with more of my reminiscing. :wink:

In the end, I just want a sophisticated interactions editor that works at least as well as the prior one. A fully functional IDE-strength code view would be even better, for me at least, but I don’t expect that that’s going to happen.

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