List Box Highlight Color

Hello - I was wondering if there’s a way to change the highlight color in the list box form. If I go into the Widget Style Manager, I can select a fill color, but it fills in the entire widget. In the attached example, the highlighted color is blue, and I want it to be a shade of green.

I also see no options in the Edit List Box window.


Good question @benrw,

Somebody from Axure’s team has an answer? @Alyssa_Axure? @Alex_Axure?


It would be very much appreciated. Thank you! :slight_smile:


The list box is one of the form widgets, which are HTML widgets whose appearance and behavior is dictated by the browser; this is handy for making them fit the browser they’re viewed in but limits customizability. It doesn’t look like there’s a way to change the color of the highlight via Axure RP directly, so I’d recommend building a custom listbox to allow you to select the highlight color for your widgets.

As a quick way to build a custom listbox, you can use separate rectangle widgets to hold each list item, and lay them out beneath each other. You can set the highlight color for the widgets by selecting all of them and creating a “Selected” interaction style:

You can then create an OnClick event on each that sets the rectangle to its Selected state so that it will change to your desired “Selected” interaction style when clicked:

Also, if you put the list box rectangles into a selection group, then this will allow you to skip having to manually deselect each via the OnClick event, since setting a widget to “Selected” in a selection group will automatically deselect the others in the group.

Hopefully that helps!

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This is great info. Thank you so much!

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