Lost Focus event does not create an interaction

Hello, everyone!

Goal: to create a dynamic interface, show elements when it’s needed

So I have a task

  1. When a separate [value] is chosen in the dropdown
  2. Show another dropdown down below with another set of values
  3. So that additional values can be chosen in that interface

For example

  1. In a dropdown among values I have “KYC needed” value
  2. This value requires another dropdown to appear down below
  3. So a user can choose additional values, e.g. “Only ID”

To do that I created such a group. It’s a dropdown 1 structure


  1. It contains text field as dropdown’s “header”
  2. Rectangles for dropdown arrow
  3. Rectangles for dropdown menu items and values

Basically, when you click text field btn or arrow it toggles the dropdown menu visibility. When you click any value in the dropdown menu, this value becomes text field’s btn value and the dropdown menu is hidden again.

The dropdown 2 has the same structure and it’s hidden.

I tried to add an event to show dropdown 2 in a way.

  1. I added the event to the dropdown 1, to it’s text field btn on Lost Focus event.
  2. So that when a dropdown looses focus - another dropdown is shown.
  3. And I thought I could then add another condition when focus lost and the text field value is [needed value] and then show dropdown 2.
  4. But the thing is that even just on Lost Focus - nothing happens.

Can somebody give some piece on advice why it’s not working? Or how to create such an interface? Thanks

My file
SL-FORUM-16-AUG.rp (61.3 KB)

Hey @anastazie,

Sorry for the late reply but if you still need help, we would be happy to take a look at this.

After testing with your project file, it looks like you discovered a bug! It seems like texts on widgets prevent focus events from firing. This occurs within the text line and extends to the area of the widget left and right of the text. So if you have a widget that has a height equal to or less than the text, this issue occurs. I’ll go ahead and file this as a bug on your behalf for our QA team to look into.

In the meantime, if you add the hide interactions directly on the first dropdown widgets, it will function similarly to the “Lost Focus” interaction.

Hope this helps and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention!