Not able to Select multiple objects with Mouse

Not able to select multiple objects in either Select Intersection or Select Contained mode. Only shift click is working - which is also buggy as the selections are lost randomly :weary:

Just discovered that if I start the Selection from negative area - either vertical or horizontal side it works as expected. However for this I need to zoom out and make a bigger selection and then deselect individual elements.

Hi kharve,

Hmm, I’m unable to reproduce this. Could you let me know the version of Mac or Windows you’re running, the build of the 9 beta (e.g. 3617), and whether you see this after restarting the app? And do you see this with one file, or all files? If specific to one file, could you post that here for me to test?

can I send it via email to

Hi kharve,

Yes, please do! In the email, please also let us know the build of the 9 beta you’re running (e.g. 3617).

Started having this issue again. on Win 7, Ax9 build 3621. In the past, one hack was to close Ax9 and reopen and it used to work. Today that didn’t happen. Pressing the mouse button from the negative area still works. But on the canvas anywhere close or far to objects - no no. Another related issue with this - I drag boundary from negative area and select multiple objects and the move handle doesn’t appear. However after using the keyboard move it appears and I can then move using a mouse. :weary:

Hi kharve,

Thanks for the gif! It looks like you are running into one or two bugs we have on file regarding Table widgets. The first issue is one where certain widgets (e.g. images) cannot be dragged on the canvas when placed on top of a Table widget. The other, similar issue is one where multi-widget selections do not work when placed over a Table widget. These have both been filed and our teams are working to resolve the issue.

If those don’t sound like the issue, could you post your .rp file here for me to test?

Thanks for the reply Jane. I don’t think that will make a difference as earlier I had sent a file to you and you were not able to reproduce it at your end. I have a feeling that individual system configurations have a big part in such un-reproducible bugs.

I do not have any table widget in this dynamic panel (for the gif I shared).

It started working on it’s own after I let it stew - weird!