PHISHING Emails using AXURE Prototypes


Hey guys. I love your product but my IT clients keep getting phishing emails with links to your site for users to input their outlook login.

What is your company doing to stop this?

See Link below.



Thanks for reporting the URL. We’re removed both the URL and the account of the user who uploaded it from our systems. Some users have been abusing Axure Cloud to upload phishing prototypes, and the issue has been escalated internally. We remove the prototypes and accounts as fast as we detect them, and our cloud server team has been working on countermeasures that we hope to release within the next couple of weeks to help make it easier to report potential phishing prototypes as well as deter the phishermen from continuing to abuse our platform.

If you do come across any other phishing prototypes please report them promptly directly to so that we can take them down and ban the account that published them.


here’s another one


Thanks for the report. We confirm that this URL was taken down last week. If you come across any more please send them via email to, which will ensure that we get it directly and that there’s less chance one of our forum users clicks through to the phishing URL.

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