Publish to Axure Cloud creates always new instances of the project


I have the problem, that when I want to publish an existing project, axure always creates a new instance of the project. Which means it does not remember the last one and instead creates a new one. For example “Test Project (1)”.
So I have always have to use the function “replace existing project” to avoid this.

How can I set the project permanentely to my prototype?


Hi @maxosh, we’re very sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing these issues. I did some testing, and I was able to achieve this behavior only by downloading the file from the cloud first and then editing and trying to publish it. Is there a chance that you might be following the same procedure? If you do, can you try saving your file locally and then publishing it into Axure Cloud?

Hi Tanya,

thanks for your answer. But I’m afraid it does not work. Or lets say it seems to work once, but not a second time. Why is this behavoir? I have this now in 2 different projects! And its really annoying, because I always have to manually select the existing project to replace during publishing.


Hi @maxosh, thank you for the follow-up. We’d love to help you! Can you please email us at some additional information regarding the issue? This should include:

  • A screen recording video of the issue.

  • What OS is set up on your machine.

  • Your troubleshooting logs. You can find them by selecting “Help>Show Troubleshooting Logs…” in the main menu.

  • What current version of Axure you use (Help>About Axure RP).

  • Do you encounter this behavior when working on team or .rp projects?

We look forward to hearing back from you!

Hi @Tanya_Axure,

I work on several Apple Devices with different OS (and encounter the same behaviour on all devices). Right now I’m on an iMac with MacOS Monterey 12.7.1 (on the other machines I have MacOS Sonoma 14.1.1)

I encounter this problem on both types, teams and rp-projects (I also tried to convert a rp in a teams file and vice versa, but this did not help)

My Version of Axure is

In the screenvideo you will see that the origin settings to publish “MOC 2023” will be “MOC 2023 (4)” after publishing.

You can access all files here:

Hey @maxosh, thank you so much for these files and videos–they are so helpful! I assume that since you’re working on two different machines, you probably downloaded the latest published version of your files from Axure Cloud to avoid the hassle of moving them between machines; is that right?

The first video, “Screenmovie of publishing” shows a publish dialog of the file that is not connected in any way to Axure Cloud; that’s why Axure creates a new instance of your file when publishing it:


In a second video, “Screenmovie on imac everything works fine”, I see that although the file looks identical, you probably opened a locally saved file, and this file is connected to Axure Cloud via the share link:

To sum up: when you download a .rp file from Axure Cloud, there is currently no connection link to its place in the cloud, so Axure Cloud treats it as a brand new file when you publish it. In this case, replacing a copy of the existing file might be a solution. I understand that it might not be ideal, so I will pass this feedback on to our product team to research whether we can fix it. If you open a locally saved file, then the link is in place so that you can publish it without the issues.

Using the Teams functionality might be a solution too. In this case, once you create a team project, the central copy of your project will be stored on the server, and you will need two local copies of this project stored locally on both your machines. These copies will be linked to your central copy so that whenever you check in, all changes are sent to your central copy.

I hope this helps!


thanks for your detailed answer. I do not download the .rp-file from Axure Cloud. I always have the file on my local machine, but in a Dropbox folder. So this file is always syncronized with Dropbox cloud. And to be honest, I have a lot of files which are .rp and no teams files, which I handle it exact this way, without any problems in the past.
You mentioned it before and I tried to replace the local file with a fresh download of the .rp-file from Axure Cloud, but this did not help.

And regarding the teams functionality. I’ve tried this, but my problem is, that I cannot set the existing share ID (t5kanw) to the (new) teams project (twingle Widget (2)) because I don’t know how. I’m afraid of deleting the origin “twingle Widget” project on Axshare with the right share ID (t5kanw) because of the case to loose this share ID forever. (because there is no possibility to set the share ID manually in Axure, right?)

What I expect from a user perspective, is to set a share link (ID) on a specific .rp file or team project in the share dialog and that this relation is permanent saved in the project and does not loose this connection.
I don’t have an idea in which use case the behavior of loosing the ID on a project makes sense. Or lets say, this edge case should be manually possible, what it is right now with the functionality to “Publish to a New link”.

So the important question here is: why is the share link ID not be stored in the .rp or team file permanent?
Is it, because it is stored in a “temporary” .rp file and not in the “real” .rp file in the regular file system?

Hi @Tanya_Axure,

I have still the same behavior. Can you provide a working solution for me?


Hi @maxosh, I do apologize for the delayed response. Generally, we recommend avoiding storing your Axure files in Cloud Storage Folders (Dropbox, Google Drive) since, in the past, we saw cases where the software mentioned above was sometimes blocking access to the working directories of Axure RP, and it caused unpredictable behavior. Do you see the same behavior if you place your files locally, not in the Dropbox folder? If you do, please email us at so we can further troubleshoot the issue.

I’ve also submitted a feature request for you regarding keeping the links intact in downloaded .rp files–our product team will further review it and define if this change can be implemented in feature releases.

Hi @Tanya_Axure, thanks for your reply. I cannot test with local files, because I work on 3 different machines and locations. And I cannot move the local file around. (I could, but you may agree that this makes no sense). I would like to make this a team-project to avoid this behavoir, but it is not possible to make this an team-project and editing the ID, right? This would be necessary, because there are so many links to specific pages on the prototype.
Do you have an update on the feature-request to keep links intact to downloaded rp-files?

Hi @maxosh,

You’re right, Axure prototypes maintain their project links and and these links do not have a way to change between types of projects (team or regular).

As for any updates to this issue, we believe the behavior you’re seeing could be a bug but haven’t been able to reproduce this on our end. We also haven’t received other reports of this happening to other users.

It sounds like the issue is probably still occurring on your end, is that right? Because this investigation occurred last year, we will need to get up to speed on the details of the issue.

Of course as a first step, can you please update to our latest version of Axure RP 10 ( by navigating to “Help > Check for Updates” or downloading the installer from the page linked here.

Then, if you’re still seeing issues, please send us another screen recording showing us the process when you are opening and publishing your projects. Please feel free to contact us at to continue with this investigation. We would also be open to setting up a live troubleshooting call to see what’s going on as well.