Publishing parts of project to clients



I am working on a project for designing a new app. It will be developed in an agile (scrum) way.
I have prepared a lot of things, but I only want to share some pages and info to my clients, that are relevant to the user stories that are prepared for this sprint.

What is the best way to do this?
I have tried publishing a project to axure share and axure cloud, but it is always all content that is visible and this is not workable for my communication with my client.

For now the only way I see is to duplicate the rp file locally, remove everything I do not need for describing this user story, and publishing that. Hope there are better ways.

I am using Axure rp 8

Thanks in advance,


I’m not sure if this is a feature in RP8 (it is in RP9) but you can selectively publish some pages and not others in RP9.

Click the ‘Share’ button, then untick the ‘Publish all pages’ option and selectively tick the pages you want to appear on Axure Share.


Yes, this is a feature in RP8 and it works the same in RP9. In addition to accessing this from the Share button, you can go to Publish > More Generators and Configurations and look at the Pages tab. You can select individual pages to include in the prototype HTML, as well as many other options. You can also save these options in their own “HTML Generator” which will allow you to easily create custom prototype versions without having to select/deselect pages every time. Then, when you publish you can select from the Configuration droplist whatever custom generators you created, like “Client A”, “Client B”, “Usability Test”, “Full Prototype”, etc.

Learn more in the Axure reference here:


Thanks for the illustration. It is really informative and explained in detail.