Recover project version, Axure Cloud



I accidentally overwritten a project on Axure Cloud and i wanted to update. Unfortunately, I have lost my Axure RP file. Is there a way for me to rollback the file version an recover the file?




Hmm, if you’ve overwritten your published project and lost the original .rp file, then as a first step if you haven’t already please try using “File > Recover File from Backup” to see if an autosaved backup copy is still available on your machine. By default those are saved every 15 minutes and stored for 30 days, so if the project was last worked on within that timeframe then a copy should be available.

If the backups are already gone though, then please email with the Axure Cloud URL of the project that was accidentally overwritten so that we can see if it can be reverted. To expedite the process, when you email please email from the same email address that you used to publish the project (i.e. the “owner”). Thank you!


Thanks for your feedback. i referred to, since I cannot recover the previous file.

