Rendering problems with IE


I have a prototype that my cient uses locally with Internet Explorer or Internet Edge. I’ve noticed that on Explorer, images inside DP’s dont load, or onMouseEnter interactions don’t work that “fast”, they take about 4 minutes to load… I’ve tried this with Firefox, Chrome or Safari and doesn’t happen… Could it be a problem of IE8?

I was using:
Microsoft Edge 38.14393.0.0
IE 11.447.14393.0


Hi nicolebtesh!

Hmm, I haven’t been able to reproduce these issues on Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge just yet. Could you please let me know which build of Axure RP you are currently using?

Additionally, could you let me know if this behavior occurring in a particular file, or are you seeing this issue with new project files as well? If this issue appears to be specific to the project file, can you please send along your project file for review? If you would like to keep the file private, please feel free to email it to instead.


Hi! Is for two particular files I am working on. They are files that have a lot of high resolution images inside DP’s. They don’t have any complex interactions, but they are pretty heavy about the amount of elements they have. I dont optimize images because they get all blurry and my client is pixel perfect. The weird stuff is that images load correctly on Safari/Chrome & Firefox. I cannot share it here, it’s confidential.

On another note, I can send it via email to support of course, but didnt do it because the last time I did i received a lot of ways of “solving” my performance problems that didn’t help me that much. I understand that this is a system that keeps on building functionality, but I dont think proposing alternatives or workarrounds that we know don’t work, helps anybody. If I need a prototype that has high res images, I need to be able to do it without compromising the quality of it right?


Hi nicolebtesh!

Thanks for the information about your file’s set up!

If a large number of unoptimized, high resolution images are placed on a page, this can add a heavy load to the project page, and may impact performance. Image optimization decreases the file size of the image, so that the page can more quickly load into a web browser. This decrease in file size can inherently decrease to the image quality slightly, but I am sorry to hear that you’ve experienced such a significant decrease in image sharpness for your projects when using this feature!

I did want to clarify whether this decrease in image quality was specific to some browsers (Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, for example), or if the decreased quality was the same across all web browsers. If this behavior is occurring only in specific browsers, there could be another issue involved in the quality or performance behaviors you are experiencing. If you would be interested in sending in the files to for further review, we may be able to look into other methods for improving the performance for these images, or see if any other issues are involved in the change in image quality for these web browsers.

Please let me know if this is not the case, and I’ll be happy to file a feature request regarding improvements to optimized image sharpness with our respective teams on your behalf.

Thank you!


Pardon my forwardness but you should go ahead and file a feature request. I’ve already posted on some other post about the fact that optimizing images makes them blurry for all browsers. This also happens if you somehow modify or cut the image as well, like crop, slice.
Actually, one person from Axure acknowledge this and said they are already aware about this. So this is not an issue of my prototype or my images, this is an issue about the fact that the software we are using doesn’t support anything.

If I had to make a lis tof all the things I’ve already heard about stuff affecting the performance:

  • too many elements
  • too many pictures
  • 2 repeaters on a page
  • 4 DP’s on a page
  • too many DPS
  • too many interactions…
    and the list goes on… I mean, this is a prototyping tool, I should be able to use 3 high res images without optimization.

Thanks though for the response!


Hi nicolebtesh!

Thank you very much for the feedback. I’ve now filed a feature request on your behalf. We do have a bug report on file regarding images becoming blurry when cropped or sliced, and I have already added a note to this report regarding your experience.

I did want to let you know that we have seen some cases where users that were experiencing performance issues for heavy-load pages saw improvement when using the Axure RP 9 beta. If you would like, please feel free to download the Axure RP 9 beta here and see how the project performs using Axure RP 9.

Please note that because the Axure RP 9 application is still in beta, we strongly recommend maintaining a separate file for the version opened in Axure RP 9 so your Axure RP 8 file is not overwritten.

Prototypes do not render well on IE8