My repeater is working fine when I export my prototype to HTML (screenshot 1). However, when I load the Axure file in the cloud, the spacing of the row is way too wide (screenshot 2) - looks like a Bug. Has anyone an idea what could be the cause of this problem?
no clue why it was only showing in the cloud, perhaps something to do with fonts?
the problem comes in because the label text gets squished and overflows vertically, making your row that’s supposed to 40px tall actually ~200px tall.
in addition, your prototype structure and repeater logic is 100 times more complicated than it needs to be and makes it really hard to grasp what is going on.
if you aren’t using custom text by row, this is all your repeater needs to be:
I see you also have indeterminate check states (and maybe errors too with the warning?), i have an example below my initial simplification that can get you started with a technique for accomplishing that without so many interactions to manage.
However, the repeater in the original prototype is much more complex - I do actually need the custom text and icons by row. I deleted a lot of data and functionality for bug fixing and to be able to upload it here.
But I also found out it works leave the icon text field empty per default and let the repeater fill it with the icon font. Or by just using shapes for the icons in a dynamic panel.