Request: A Roadmap for Axure 11 and Beyond

Hello All!
I would like to suggest that you open an “official” Feature request thread in your forum. Your customers will be way more engaged and aware of what Axure’s product strategy will be and decision makers will be able to make strategic plans around purchasing or upgrading their software. All of your competitors have it. There’s a reason for that :slight_smile:


I’ll provide a link where I answered this question in the other thread that you’ve cross-posted on:

We’re also very excited about Axure RP 11, but unfortunately our product team is currently unable to provide a roadmap for this. We’re still working on adding new features and improvements and looking forward to its release!

I also think there is benefit to having an actual thread for Feature Requests. It gives the community an opportunity to give feedback on requests, and provide ideas for solutions. It will also help promote engagement with your customers. It seems rather quiet over at Axure, it doesn’t feel like a lot of improvements or new features are being released. Even the weekly Tips and Tricks emails are a little too beginner, neglecting intermediate level users.

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