I’m wondering if there is any way in Axure to have a specific set of widgets to load and be shown in a page depending on the page I’m coming from.
Let’s say if I click a Submit button on Page A, then it opens Page C and shows Widget1, Widget2, and Widget3; but if I click another button on Page B, it opens Page C and shows Widget4 instead.
Thanks in advance.
When you hit the Submit button, you can store the name of the page the submit button is on in a global variable.
[do whatever]
set value of myVariable to [[PageName]]
Open PageC in Current Window
Then you’d test the value of that variable and act accordingly in OnPageLoad of Page C.
OnPageLoad -- (of Page C)
if value of myVariable is "PageA"
show Widget1
show Widget2
show Widget3
hide Widget4
else if value of myVariable is "PageB"
hide Widget1
hide Widget2
hide Widget3
show Widget4
This works just perfect.
Thank you so much, @josephxbrick.