Username is displayed correctly on all pages after the user has logged in

Please tell me how to transfer the name of username to other pages?
Logged in user’s username is always present on the top right after login. The user’s username is displayed correctly on all pages after the user has logged in.

you can use global variable

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To elaborate… Global variables are the way to share data across pages. So, whatever event or action you have to let a user log in can set the value of a global variable. For example, on the (final) Login button you could include this action: Set Variable Value OnLoadVariable to "true"

Then, on each page you can test this global variable to show the username and whatever else changes when logged in. For example, on Page 2 you could assign this event:

Page Loaded
If OnLoadVariable equals “true”

If you need to keep track of the username and support multiple users scenarios, you could just set OnLoadVariable (or make your own) to the user’s name. Then, if user is not logged in, OnLoadVariable would just be blank. Just change the conditional case in the example above to If length of OnLoadVariable is greater than "0"

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