Why is there a grey box around my text?

I disabled the “Fill” color, but for some reason there is a grey box around my text. They are part of my “Master” page, I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it.

But is there anyway to get rid of this? It’s very distracting and it’s not how I want my prototype to look.

SEE: “Firestop Solution Center” (grey box around text


If you upload an example RP file, I can take a look… you could also get around this by using the same fill color as the grey background.


There is not fill color. I have disabled it.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that it is part of my MASTERS panel?

It’s not a big deal, I’ll live with it. Just don’t understand the purpose of that box…

Check the border colour

Hi gianfranco1990,

As Emgee mentioned, posting a copy of the RP file you’re currently working with would allow us take a closer look at what might be going on!