Work slow in IE



Since axure generated file is work slow in IE, is there anyway or coding to set it auto open with other web browser(firefox or chrome)?


Hi karpooi,

When generating the HTML output of a prototype, you can specify which browser it’ll open with in Axure RP’s “Generate HTML” dialog’s “Open With” options (“Publish > Generate HTML Files”):

This will originally be set to “Default browser” (which will open the HTML in your default browser), however you’ll be able to select any of the other available browser options.

Keep in mind that the Open With options will only apply when “Generate” is clicked and won’t have an effect on the actual HTML files being generated. If you or another user is opening the files directly from their computer, the prototype will launch in the computer’s default browser. If needed, you can change this by right-clicking one of the HTML files and then selecting the “Open with” option from the context menu.

We’ll also be glad to do some troubleshooting around the slowness you’re seeing in IE, so please let us know!


Hi Simon, thanks for your reply. Hope that Axure can improve performance in IE.

unlisted #4