Delete comments


I’ve published prototypes to Axure cloud.
According to this: you should be able to delete comments.

I cannot find how. This picture shows edit and delete buttons:

I don’t have them. I am logged into my Axure cloud account and are the owner of the project. Also in the cloud dashboard I see no options to delete comments.

What am I missing?


Hi @Stiggy, you will need to select this comment to open it on your canvas, and after this, the delete button should be available:

Keep in mind that you can delete only the comments that you created.
I hope this helps!


No, don’t see the buttons:

Perhaps comments from people without an Axure account cannot be deleted?

Keep in mind that you can delete only the comments that you created.

I surely hope that, as owner of the project, I have the rights to delete inappropriate or test comments?


Hi @Stiggy; unfortunately, only the one who created a comment can delete it. I see your point and will pass your feedback on to our product team.
As a workaround, you can resolve these comments with a reply that you are hiding test comments or something like that, so they will be hidden from the view.


Hi @Tanya_Axure anya,

Then how does this work for comments made by people without an Axure account? I’ve made on to test this using a private email account, but there does not seem any way for myself to delete it (even though “I am the one who created it” as you state above).


Hey @Stiggy, when a guest creates a comment in Axure Cloud, they have to fill in the mandatory “email” field so they can receive replies to their comment to their email. Once they comment for the second time and leave the same email for replies, Axure Cloud knows that they have already left some comments before, and this guest can delete their previous comments.

I’ve submitted a request to our docs team regarding adding this information about deleting comments to Axure Cloud documentation to avoid any confusion in the future. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!


Thanks, I tried this and was able to delete. But this is funky workflow!

  1. Reviewer without Axure account cannot delete their older (resolved) comments
  2. First have to make a new (bogus) comment, supplying the same email again.
  3. Then delete that
  4. Still can not delete the first comment
  5. Replied to it
  6. Then was able to delete both the reply and the original


I will keep an eye on the docs to see how this will be explained :grinning:

Thanks for your help Tanya, I will mark this as answered.

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