Feature Request: Better Global Variable Management Window



On complex prototypes that manage tons of global variables, it is incredibly hard to organize, sort, or manage the variables in any way. Your only option is to create a variable > it goes to the bottom of the list in the global variables window > then you have to click the up-button x number of times until you get it in the location you want so that you can easily find it in context to where the variable is set within the flow/prototype.

Let’s say you have 100+ pages in a prototype and each page on average sets 5 global variables to be recalled on a ‘review’ page at the end of the flow… Then your requirements change (or you forget something) and you need to build in 10 additional global variables at the beginning of the flow. Unless you don’t mind having a disorganized variable list, this will require you to click the up-button around ~5,000 times just to move each of the new 10 variables into place.

TLDR; the organization/management capabilities of the global variables window are severely lacking. Some recommended features to remedy this:

1. Drag and drop
2. Move multiple variables at once (multi-select)(can be combined with #1)
3. Auto-sort (alphanumeric, date variable was created, etc.)
4. Ability to search for variables when setting an interaction (same way all the other interaction windows work)


Thanks for also writing to us at support@axure.com and cross-posting here as well. We also really appreciate that you included the details of your use case and the roadblocks that you are currently encountering. This feature request has been submitted and our product team will look into this.

I can totally understand how working with large numbers of variables can get unwieldy and frustrating to try and organize. I will agree that if the global variable manager had more functionality similar to how you can organize and manage widgets in the Outline Pane, that would be great.


I don’t work with nearly amount of variables you do on a daily basis, and I get annoyed. I can’t even imagine…

I like these suggestions too. I have a couple other improvements that might improve QOL in this window.

Add before/after, like how we can with rows in repeaters.

If the up and down buttons could get keyboard focus, you could hold down the enter key to when you have to move through a lot of variables.

Wouldn’t fix everything but might save @TheSheaDay having to test the durability of his left mouse button daily.


Hi @TheSheaDay and @bamorris!

Our latest release candidate for Axure RP has changes suggested by both of you including:

  • Drag and drop
  • Move multiple selected variables
  • Search for variables when setting an interaction
  • Action buttons and others get keyboard focus (pressing Space will perform the focused button)

We’d greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time to test it out and share your feedback with us at support@axure.com.


Fantastic, I’ll give it a test this week.

Will I encounter any weirdness installing an RC version alongside a stable version? I’ve never done that before


@bamorris installing the RC will actually replace your existing stable version–not install alongside.

If you need/want to go back to the stable version, you can uninstall the RC, and then download the latest version of Axure RP from axure.com/download.

As a note, you can also get the RC by going to Help > Check for Updates… then make sure the Include beta channels build option is turned on.


Sent over some feedback, but overall it’s working well.

Some issues with an old RP8 file I upgraded, but other than that it works near perfectly. Thanks for giving me the heads up on the changes.