I want to integrate clock in Axure file, Working on Alarm clock app and want to show them the current time. Found many code from which I can get the format of Date and Time all are static.
Hi Shivam53,
Apologies for the delayed response!
Here are a few examples of clocks and timers that may help:
I love making things in Axure without extra js/css hacks. It adds a layer of challenge that is humbling sometimes.
Here’s a fully working clock with sec/min/hour hand animations. Take a look at the rp file, especially if you want to learn how to do circular motion.
Here is the live site
clock.rp (78.8 KB)
Demo for clock interface.
First we’ll need some graphics for our clock interface. We have a face and three hands.
All the moving parts are sliced in Photoshop at 600px high and 30px wide and are positioned vertically dead center as by default the rotate property ‘rotates’ from the center of the element.
You can use ‘transform-origin’ to set a rotate point if you want.
Note: we can use our axure widget shape.
Insert below script in to your header section as a plugin(Axshare)
<script type=“te…
Hi Guys,
If anyone would like to create a countdown timer then see attached script
I am basically using this countdown timer for RugbyWC 2015 which is starting in September. All you have to do is to update “DayToVar” string to your preferred date and the countdown will begin.
You can also click here to view the sample.
CountDownTimer.rp (63 KB)
There isn’t a way to do this that won’t involve date/time functions and mathematical expressions. If you are not familiar with using expressions in Axure, I’d recommend checking out this help article .
One way to make your timer is the following:
Upon hitting start, store the start time in a global variable, and as time elapses subtract the start time from the current time to get the elapsed time.
The date function Now.getValue() comes in handy here. It returns the current date/time in th…
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this is exactly what I need