Material Design Widget Library for Axure 9

An Axure widget library based on latest Google Material Design guidelines. It’s an update of tihis post: Material Design Axure Library

I completely redraw the widget library with Axure 9 beta. Now it’s based on newest Material Design guidelines(so-called Material Design 2), contains all the components:

  • App bars: bottom
  • App bars: top
  • Backdrop
  • Banners
  • Bottom navigation
  • Buttons
  • Buttons: floating action button
  • Cards
  • Chips
  • Data tables
  • Dialogs
  • Dividers
  • Image lists
  • Lists
  • Menus
  • Navigation drawer
  • Progress indicators
  • Selection controls
  • Sheets: bottom
  • Sheets: side
  • Sliders
  • Snackbars
  • Tabs
  • Text fields
  • Tooltips

How to use it

  1. Firstly, you should install Roboto font, because I use Roboto as the main font.

  2. Download the Axure library file:

  3. Open your Axure, click the three bars icon and choose “Load Library”. Find the library file to Load it.

  4. That’s all! You can now enjoy your time for making some Material Design prototypes.


See online demo.




David Peng


Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.

See more on Github.