[Unsupported Browser] Renders Incorrectly in iE11 (Axure Share)



IE 11:

Chrome and Edge:

Getting crazy comments on protos such as align correctly etc by people reviewing in IE11… It’s not an option asking them to change their browsers



Hmm, are the pictured widgets default checkboxes in Axure RP 9, or are those custom widgets? What alignment have you set for the text on the widgets? If you’re able to attach a sample tile that demonstrates the issue, as well as let us know whether this happens in preview or Axure Share, then this would help us to investigate and verify whether this is a new bug. Thank you!


This question has been feedback very early, many of widgets have this problem, I do not know why the official has not been able to solve?


In fact, the solution is very simple, just add a line-height style.
The normal effect is as follows:

Plus the line-height effect is as follows: (it’s normal)


Hi pmm123, I agree this is a serious issue and unfortunately Axure doesn’t have this on priority. We cannot predict or control which browsers our stakeholders will use to view the protos. Alyssa, the kind of comments i received on the fundamentals of design has been really painful. Just imagine getting review comments that radio needs to be aligned with labels - shocking. I have attached the file and screen shot in ie11 and chrome againie11_issue.rp (94.9 KB)



Hi everyone,

Thanks for attaching those screenshots and the file to help clarify the issue. It looks like this issue is the same issue that @pmm123 previously filed, where middle aligned text comes out as top aligned in IE 11; other browsers work normally. I’ve checked in with our teams regarding this issue, and it looks like Axure RP 9 does not and will not support IE 11; it will still be supported in Axure RP 8, but this particular issue won’t be addressed in version 9. The supported browsers for Axure RP 9 will be Edge, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. We understand that this isn’t ideal in situations where you don’t have control over which browsers your users are testing the prototype with. If you’ll be sharing links to version 9 prototypes, then we’d recommend letting users know when the link is sent out that IE 11 isn’t supported so that they can use a different browser and see the appropriate alignment.

The updated system requirements for Axure RP 9 will be available on our site when the site gets updated for Axure RP 9 at full release. Hopefully that information helps with informing supported browsers both on the designer and user testing sides in the future!

closed #6