Repeater - how to manipulate only single rows?



i have some offer boxes with a call-to-action button and a price.
I want to make a feature to run a “price check” if you hit the cta of one offer.
There is a dynamic panel inside the repeater, but now I fire the event for all repeater items. How do I only affect one or certain items in general?

Another problem that I have: I want to make a switch for the price. You should be able to toggle between price per person and total price. RIght now I’m just using set Text, but that doesn’t change the values inside the repeater. Can I get the same functionality with update rows or is there a better practice if I want to be able to display different prices in the future?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: problem2.rp (83.1 KB)

EDIT2: After another long search, I found this methods that work for me right now:


Hello @zzlpz,

Hope you are doing well!

  1. To effect only 1 repeater item, all you need to do is place random_number_check inside repeater item. your same setup will work. Check the updated RP file

  2. For problem 2, you can use update rows to achieve the same. I have updated your RP file. Have a look.

problem_updated.rp (83.5 KB)

Let me know if you understood the solution. I will try my best to help.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Thank you AngryComedian. That’s what I was looking for.

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