Repeater Multiple Selection & Single Selection



Hi, im trying to recreate a single and multiple selection in a repeater table but I’ve been unable to do it properly.

What i want to achieve is to have multiple selection through checkboxes and single selection by clicking on a row.

Lets say that i have selected two rows with the checkboxes, but then i click on a row and lose the previous selection and now i only have selected the row that i clicked, so the only way to add o subtract from the selection could be done through the row checkbox.

I tried to reproduce both behaviors with Isolate Selection Groups but when checked everything is multiple select, unchecked only one row is selected, so basically i want to have them both mixed up.

mixed_selection.rp (55.0 KB)

Is this possible to achieve in a simple way?


I had to do this a while back so I figured I’d just share with you what I did.

I took a quick look at your example file and I think it covers everything you need. If not, just let me know and I can try again.

Repeater_Multiselect.rp (3.0 MB)